Interactive lectures and workshops
• Language and American Culture Lesson 1: Welcome to the USA!
– Introduction to the course and each other. Who am I, who are you? Introduction game, diagnostics, and class goals
– Greetings/expressions for everyday communication: idioms, culture, and skills to adjust to the American environment
• Language and American Culture Lesson 2: American Culture Through Social Media
– Exploring American music, movies, and social life; discussions about pop culture trends
• Language and American Culture Lesson 3: What’s the deal with Starbucks?
– Exploring the difference between local, national vs international chains
• Language and American Culture Lesson 4: American Slang and Expressions
– Have fun with idioms, slang, and other expressions; using formal vs informal language in casual conversations
– US diversity in culture and language
• Language and American Culture Lesson 5: Advanced Technology and the Future of US Manufacturing
– Vocabulary and useful business terminology
– Understanding the role of creativity in technological advancements
– Local vs international manufacturing trends and business opportunities
• Language and American Culture Lesson 6: Urban Exploration: City Life in the US
– Vocabulary and useful expressions for getting around town
– Key places to visit in the city
– Role-playing and visiting scenarios in the city of Evansville
• Language and American Culture Lesson 7: Cultural Fusion Showcase
– Collaborative mini-project: create a presentation or performance that showcases your culture and newfound understanding of the US culture
– Celebration and reflection on language and new understandings
Educational Info Sessions
• Introduction to the American Educational System: private vs public education from early childhood through postgraduate level
High School Life
• Understanding the American Culture – Embracing HIGH SCHOOL life in the US
• American High School Student Panel Discussion: the life of a typical US high school student from a student’s perspective; open, informal, and interactive discussion between students
• The Endless High School Opportunities: athletics, creative dramatics/theatre, music, co-curricular activities, internships, experiential education, and much more
College Life
• Understanding the American Culture – Embracing COLLEGE life in the US
• International College Student Panel Discussion: life in the US from an international student’s perspective; open, informal, and interactive discussion between students
• Keys to Academic Success: Tapping into the Office of Student Success
• Exploring University Majors and Fields: Discovering Innovative Fields, Industries, and Careers
• Sports and Entertainment: What’s the Hype about College Sports in the USA?
• College Admission Process: Understanding the College Application Process
• Life Beyond the Classroom: The Extras, The Enduring Importance of Extracurriculars: why is it so important to be a well-rounded individual?
Hands-on Experiences


Design Thinking

Innovation and Change

Theatre or Pottery


Spanish Language

Company Visits
• Escalade Sports: outdoor and indoor gaming and sporting goods company
• Toyota Motor Manufacturing of Indiana
• Berry Plastics Global Headquarters
• Corvette Company Plant Tour